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Tabitha part 2.


A gorgeous hot blonde, with gorgeous boobs abd lovely legs, pretty much what we all love about women! Two goes at this set!

Oral Fixation.

My fixation is with Emily and it gets worse when she wears stockings..........................I love her in a corset!

High Heels

Emily in her two-tone Secrets-in-Lace stockings wearing her high heels and NO panties. It's fair to say Emily will keep me distracted for the rest of the day and I shall dream about her tonight!

Animal Instinct.

Emily in black Wolford pantyhose, showing off those luscious curves of her gorgeous ass!!!

Watch Me Get Off.

Emily gives her beautiful pussy some much needed attention!


I think it's fair to say Tammy puts the HORN in horny, in fact all the women on do that for me!

Rose part II

Some more photos from the same sets Rose has gorgeous boobs, h'm need sustained study I think!


Some more photos of the delectable Rose wearing her nylons with ultra straight seams! The sets shows her dancing but I'd rather spend time with her doing something else, I have the evidence to prove it, down boy!

Leather Boots.

Cor!, Emily in killer leather boots and elbow length leather gloves and those lace-top stocking scertainly add to the overall effect! Stiffsville!

Ashley, part 2.

More of the same, straight seams, gorgeous long legs and a hot blonde!


Not much I can say about this HOT blonde except well she does it for me! God what a body, what legs! Two goes at this set, so eight photos in total. Enjoy.

White Stocking Lust.

Emily having fun in white nylons!
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